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Ombudsman des Assurances / Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen

Name in English: Insurance Ombudsman

Financial institutions covered: insurance companies, some mortgage intermediaries, some pension intermediaries.

Financial products covered: life/non-life insurance, most pensions.

Languages in which a complaint can be made: Dutch, French, English, German

E-mail: infoatombudsman [dot] as (info[at]ombudsman[dot]as)

Website: Ombudsman des Assurances / Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen

More information: Info sheet


Financial institutions covered: banks, mortgage banks, credit unions, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities intermediaries.

Financial products covered: payments, deposits, credit & loans, mortgages, investments, securities, some life/non-life insurance, some pensions.

Languages in which a complaint can be made: Dutch, French, English, German

E-mail: ombudsmanatombudsfin [dot] be (ombudsman[at]ombudsfin[dot]be)

Website: Ombudsfin

More information: Info sheet