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Published Results: sustainable-finance-...

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Question 1. From your constituency’s point of view, what is the most important issue that needs to be addressed to move towards sustainable finance? (sustainable finance being understood as improving the contribution of finance to long-term sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as strengthening financial stability by considering material environmental, social and governance factors)([ID15])
Question 2. What do you think such an EU taxonomy for sustainable assets and financial products should include?([ID15])
Question 3. What considerations should the EU keep in mind when establishing a European standard and label for green bonds and other sustainable assets? How can the EU ensure high-quality standards and labels that avoid misuse/green-washing?([ID15])
Question 4. What key services do you think an entity like “Sustainable Infrastructure Europe” should provide, more specifically in terms of advisory services and connecting public authorities with private investors?([ID15])
Question 5. It is frequently stated that the inherent short-termism in finance, especially financial markets, represents a distraction from, or even obstacle to, a long-term orientation in economic decision-making, including investments that are essential for sustainability. Do you agree with this statement?([ID5])
Question 5.1. If you agree with this statement, which sectors of the economy and financial system are particularly affected by the ’mismatch of time horizons’? What are possible measures to resolve or attenuate this conflict?([ID15])
Question 6. What key levers do you think the EU could use to best align the investment and analyst community with long-term sustainability considerations in the real economy?([ID15])
Question 7. How can the EU best create a strong and visible pipeline of sustainable investment projects ready for investment at scale?([ID15])
Question 8. What are some of the most effective ways to encourage credit rating agencies to take into consideration ESG factors and/or long-term risk factors?([ID5])
Question 8.1 Please specify what other ways you would deem most effective in encouraging credit rating agencies to take into consideration ESG and/or long-term risk factors.([ID15])
Question 9. What would be the best way to involve banks more strongly on sustainability, particularly through long-term lending and project finance?([ID15])
Question 10. What would be the best way to involve insurers more strongly on sustainability, particularly through long-term investment?([ID15])
Question 11. What do you think should be the priority when mobilising private capital for social dimensions of sustainable development?([ID15])
Question 12. Do you have any comments on the policy recommendations or policy areas mentioned in the Interim Report but not mentioned in this survey?([ID15])
Question 13. In your view, is there any other area that the expert group should cover in their work?([ID15])
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Credit rating agencies
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Create a European credit rating agency designed to track long-term sustainability risks
Require all credit rating agencies to disclose whether and how they consider TCFD-related information in their credit ratings
Require all credit rating agencies to include ESG factors as part of their rating
All of the above

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Contributions received are intended for publication on the Commission’s website. Do you agree to your contribution being published? (see specific privacy statement )
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Question 1. From your constituency’s point of view, what is the most important issue that needs to be addressed to move towards sustainable finance? (sustainable finance being understood as improving the contribution of finance to long-term sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as strengthening financial stability by considering material environmental, social and governance factors)
Question 2. What do you think such an EU taxonomy for sustainable assets and financial products should include?
Question 3. What considerations should the EU keep in mind when establishing a European standard and label for green bonds and other sustainable assets? How can the EU ensure high-quality standards and labels that avoid misuse/green-washing?
Question 4. What key services do you think an entity like “Sustainable Infrastructure Europe” should provide, more specifically in terms of advisory services and connecting public authorities with private investors?
Question 5. It is frequently stated that the inherent short-termism in finance, especially financial markets, represents a distraction from, or even obstacle to, a long-term orientation in economic decision-making, including investments that are essential for sustainability. Do you agree with this statement?
Question 5.1. If you agree with this statement, which sectors of the economy and financial system are particularly affected by the ’mismatch of time horizons’? What are possible measures to resolve or attenuate this conflict?
Question 6. What key levers do you think the EU could use to best align the investment and analyst community with long-term sustainability considerations in the real economy?
Question 7. How can the EU best create a strong and visible pipeline of sustainable investment projects ready for investment at scale?
Question 8. What are some of the most effective ways to encourage credit rating agencies to take into consideration ESG factors and/or long-term risk factors?
Question 8.1 Please specify what other ways you would deem most effective in encouraging credit rating agencies to take into consideration ESG and/or long-term risk factors.
Question 9. What would be the best way to involve banks more strongly on sustainability, particularly through long-term lending and project finance?
Question 10. What would be the best way to involve insurers more strongly on sustainability, particularly through long-term investment?
Question 11. What do you think should be the priority when mobilising private capital for social dimensions of sustainable development?
Question 12. Do you have any comments on the policy recommendations or policy areas mentioned in the Interim Report but not mentioned in this survey?
Question 13. In your view, is there any other area that the expert group should cover in their work?
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