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These guidance documents were drafted by the Commission services to support national authorities, EU operators and citizens in the interpretation and implementation of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014, Council Regulation (EU) No 692/2014 and Council Regulation (EU) 2022/263. By analogy, they also apply to Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006. Only the Court of Justice of the EU is competent to interpret EU law.
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Guidance documents (17)
RSSGuidance for banks and their customers, in the context of Regulation (EU) 2022/263 concerning the occupied areas of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.
- Topic
- Finance and banking
Coalition statements and guidance in response to recent developments in the maritime Russian oil trade.
- Topic
- Energy
The guidance assists industry to identify Russian evasion practices, to protect G7 technology from misappropriation, prevent reputational harm, and mitigate liability risk while supporting continued success of export controls and sanctions.
- Topic
- Trade and customs
A list of prohibited dual-use goods and advanced technology items used in Russian military systems found on the battlefield in Ukraine or critical to the development, production or use of those systems.
- Topic
- Trade and customs
Guidance setting out general advice on risk assessment, best practices for conducting due diligence on business partners, transactions and goods, as well as a list of circumvention red flags. With focus on export-related sanctions.
- Topic
- Horizontal
Guidance supporting the implementation and recognition of firewalls (frameworks removing the control of designated persons).
- Topic
- Individual financial measures
A list of mainly industrial goods subject to EU sanctions, for which anomalous trade flows via certain third countries to Russia have been detected.
- Topic
- Trade and customs
Guidance on the handling of goods which were brought into the EU in good faith before the sanctions entered into force, have not been released for free circulation and remain blocked in customs offices of the Member States.
- Topic
- Trade and customs
Guidance issued by the multilateral REPO Task Force, setting out certain typologies of Russian sanctions evasion tactics and recommendations on how to mitigate the risk of exposure to continued evasion. With focus on financial sanctions.
- Topic
- Horizontal
Commission opinion on Article 2(2) of Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 (territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine), notably on “control” and on “making funds or economic resources available”.
- Topic
- Individual financial measures