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Webinar on the potential of permissionless blockchains in finance

Webinar on the potential of permissionless blockchains in finance

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The Commission’s Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) is hosting a webinar to present a recent report about permissionless blockchains in finance. Authored by Professor Fabian Schär of the University of Basel, the report analyses the potential of integrating permissionless blockchain technology into the traditional financial sector. In the 75‑minute webinar, the author will present the report’s main findings, followed by a Q&A session.

While the report does not represent the views of DG FISMA, it is part of a deliberate effort by the DG to move forward with the discussion on the use of permissionless blockchains in finance. There are currently many open questions on how to safely integrate permissionless blockchains into market infrastructure. As the ecosystem and the use cases built on it grow more mature, the industry is working to address these questions while regulators and policymakers are also following and analysing the developments in the area. DG FISMA therefore welcomes the detailed reflection in this report on the challenges ahead and how they might be resolved.

DG FISMA warmly invites industry professionals, researchers, regulators, policymakers and other stakeholders with an interest in distributed ledger technology (DLT) in finance to join this webinar. The continued engagement of the public and private sector stakeholders is crucial for supporting the responsible use of DLT in Europe.

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Additional connection details

  • Webinar number: 2743 469 9556
  • Webinar password: TSiHMp4D2$5 (87446743 when dialing from a phone or video system)
  • Join by phone:
    • +32-262-00867 Belgium Toll
    • +352-2730-0072 Luxembourg Toll
  • Access code: 274 346 99556

Abstract of the report

The report examines the potential of public permissionless blockchains to enhance traditional financial services. It highlights the key advantages of utilising an open base layer, including transparency, inclusivity, and increased competition, while addressing critical challenges such as scalability, privacy, transaction sequencing, finality, and governance.

The report provides an extensive overview of proposed solutions to these challenges, drawing on insights from academic research and open-source development. Additionally, it presents a series of questions designed to get an initial understanding of a blockchain’s operational robustness.

The analysis concludes that public permissionless blockchains represent a promising alternative to permissioned platforms, with the potential to reduce dependencies and mitigate monopolistic market structures on a platform level. It emphasises that compliance does not necessarily require a platform-wide gatekeeper or other forms of base layer regulation, but can instead be implemented higher up on the technology stack. This allows for more flexible approaches, based on asset- and application‑types.

The paper underscores the importance of continued interdisciplinary research, openness, and dialogue among stakeholders to navigate trade‑offs and fully realise the potential of this technology.

Specific privacy statement

  • 20 FEBRUARY 2025
Specific privacy satement - Webinar on the potential of permissionless blockchains in finance
  • financial services | digital finance strategy
  • Thursday 20 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:15 (CET)
  • Online only

Practical information

Thursday 20 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:15 (CET)
Online only