Workshop on implementing measures for the prospectus regulation - European Commission
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Workshop on implementing measures for the prospectus regulation

Workshop on implementing measures for the prospectus regulation


The European Parliament and the Council have agreed on a Prospectus Regulation in December 2016. However, this new legal framework requires a number of additional measures in particular to specify the content of the various types of prospectus and their constituent parts.

Objective of the event

In order to prepare this work, the Commission services (Directorate general Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union) is organising a one-day workshop to bring together users, experts and practitioners with direct experience with prospectuses as issuer, investor, advisor, etc. Participants will discuss what the appropriate content of the various categories of prospectuses should be in light of the objectives of the Prospectus Regulation to strengthen confidence in the transparency of markets across the Union, and reduce regulatory complexity as well as search and compliance costs for companies. To this end, minimum information requirements for wholesale debt, secondary issuances and the EU Growth Prospectus should be alleviated in a way that is appropriate to the respective context.


The workshop will kick off with an expert panel discussion to set the scene. The two break-out sessions in the morning will be dedicated to the content of the prospectus for different types of issuers and issuances. The afternoon break-out session will address various cross-cutting, horizontal themes. After each break-out session a moderator will summarise the main findings from parallel discussions. Sessions will be in participatory mode and participants will have the ability to express their preference for the topics corresponding to their fields of interest.

Who should attend?

The new EU Growth Prospectus is a core element of the reform. Potential users of this alleviated prospectus format, including SMEs and other companies issuing in small amounts, and their advisors are therefore particularly encouraged to attend the workshop.

As the success of the workshop depends entirely on the contributions of participants, active involvement of all participants in the working sessions is expected. To ensure a high quality of discussion, DG FISMA reserves the right to give priority to participants actually dealing with prospectuses as issuer, investor, advisor, etc. In addition, DG FISMA will try to ensure a good representation of different market participants (buy-side, sell-side, intermediaries, company size, geography, etc.).


Download the programme

  • financial services | banking policy
  • Wednesday 29 March 2017, 08:30 - 17:00 (CEST)
  • Brussels, Belgium

Practical information

Wednesday 29 March 2017, 08:30 - 17:00 (CEST)
Philippe Le Bon (PLB3) building - Room 1.4
Philippe Le Bon (PLB3) building - Room 1.4, Rue Philippe Le Bon, 3, 1049 Brussels, Belgium