- Publication date
- 29 January 2024
- Author
- Platform on Sustainable Finance
The Platform on Sustainable Finance, an advisory body to the European Commission, published its independent report on “a compendium of market practices”. The report focuses on seven stakeholder groups (corporates, credit institutions, investors, insurers, auditors and consultants, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and the public sector), showing that the EU taxonomy and the other sustainable finance tools (e.g. the European Green Bond Standard) is being used for setting transition strategies, structuring financial transactions and reporting on sustainability efforts.
Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, said:
The EU taxonomy is working – and so is the wider EU sustainable finance framework. Companies are using the taxonomy to set targets and back up claims on sustainability, which is helping them access finance. Auditors can see the shift in companies’ mindsets – moving from general goals to specific targets. Investors and lenders are able to compare companies’ transition efforts. All of this is helping to shift financial markets towards sustainability. My thanks to the Platform on Sustainable Finance for their impressive analysis. The Commission will continue working with the Platform so that together, we maximise the impact of the taxonomy and help companies on their transition to net zero.
The report is accompanied by an annex, which includes concrete case studies for each stakeholder group. The case studies highlight the first evidence that the EU sustainable finance framework is working on the ground and shows how market actors are using it including beyond regulatory compliance. It also identifies some data and implementation challenges regarding the EU taxonomy and wider framework, which need to be further improved to fully support financial and non-financial actors in transitioning their business models to align with the EU’s sustainability objectives.
The compendium of market practices will set the direction for future priorities on the implementation of the EU sustainable finance framework.
The report provides peer-to-peer recommendations to further scale up the impact and enhance the value and benefits of the EU taxonomy and the broader EU sustainable finance framework. It also recommends concrete actions for the Platform as advisor to the Commission to continue supporting stakeholders in their implementation efforts. Building on the report, the Commission will work closely with the Platform to monitor the uptake of the different sustainable finance tools and provide guidance to make the application of the framework as easy and effective as possible.
The Platform on Sustainable Finance will present the report in a webinar on Tuesday 6 February 2024 from 13:00 to 14:20.
Documents and links
- Report on a compendium of market practices
- Annex: Market practices from Platform stakeholder groups
- Factsheet: Sustainable finance: a dive into the Platform’s compendium of market practices
- Platform's LinkedIn
- Webinar on the report
The documents published here are not official European Commission documents nor reflect an official European Commission position. Nothing in these documents commits the European Commission nor does it preclude any policy outcomes.
The report on “a compendium of market practices” and its Annex represent the overall view of the members of the Platform on Sustainable Finance. However, although it represents such a consensus, it may not necessarily, on all details, represent the individual views of member institutions or experts. The views reflected in the report are the views of the experts only. The report does not reflect the views of the European Commission or its services.
The considerations included in the report are compiled under the aegis of the Platform on Sustainable Finance and cannot be construed as official guidance by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs). As a result, the views and recommendations do not purport to represent or anticipate any future official guidance and views issued by the ESAs which may differ from the contents of this report.
The inclusion of market practices in the report cannot be construed as their endorsement or validation, in particular for the purpose of assessing Taxonomy-alignment of exposures or use of proceeds by the Platform on Sustainable Finance, the ESAs, nor the European Commission. The market practices described in the annex to the report shall not be deemed to be automatically compliant with the legal obligations under the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 or other relevant EU legislation or Commission guidance documents.