Retail investment strategy - European Commission
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Retail investment strategy


The Commission adopted today a retail investment strategy that places the consumers’ interests at the centre of retail investing. The aim is to empower retail investors (i.e. “consumer” investors) to make investment decisions that are aligned with their needs and preferences, ensuring that they are treated fairly and duly protected. This will enhance retail investors’ trust and confidence to safely invest in their future and take full advantage of the EU’s capital markets union.

One of the Commission’s three key objectives of the 2020 capital markets union action plan was to make the EU an even safer place for citizens to invest in the long term. Today’s strategy aims to achieve that goal and encourage participation in EU capital markets, which has traditionally been lower than in other jurisdictions, such as the United States – even though Europeans have very high savings rates. Boosting the capital markets union is also an essential means to channel private funding into our economy and to fund the green and digital transitions.

More information

Legislative proposals and related documents


  • 24 MAY 2023
Factsheet: Retail investment strategy - Empowering retail investors on EU capital markets