Adopting EU directives into national law
The EU's financial reform includes a significant number of directives. EU countries have to transpose them into national law and communicate the measures adopted to the European Commission. The Commission verifies if transpositions are correct and complete, and takes action if necessary to ensure proper transposition. You can find more general information on the Commission’s monitoring and enforcement .
The Commission supports EU countries in the transposition process and monitors the adoption of the national measures required. An overview of the status of the transposition of directives in the financial sector is provided below.
Transposition status
Full transposition status (100%) is granted when all EU countries have notified transposition measures that they consider to be complete. The Commission may open infringement proceedings in case of late communication of those measures and in case of incomplete or incorrect transposition.
Partial transposition status
For the following directives not all Member States did notify transposition measures, or infringement proceedings are still open against some of them.
The full transposition status bars in the specific pages show the progress of transposition measures as reported by EU countries. These pages are regularly updated when EU countries communicate transposition measures to the Commission. They show to what extent EU Member States have adopted the necessary measures by the regulatory deadline.
- Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) as amended by Regulation (2022/2036/EU)
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (2022/2464/EU)
- Country by Country Reporting Directive (2021/2101/EU)
- Credit Servicers and Credit Purchasers Directive (2021/2167/EU)
- Daisy Chain Directive (2024/1174/EU) amending Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD)
- Delegated Directive 2023/2775 amending the Accounting directive
- Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) as amended by Regulation (2022/858/EU)
- Motor Insurance Directive (2021/2118/EU)
Full transposition status
The following directives have a full transposition status by all Member States, with no open infringement proceedings
- Accounting Directive (2013/34/EU)
- Accounting Directive (Accession of Croatia) (2014/102/EU)
- AIFMD - Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (2011/61/EU)
- AMLD IV - Anti-Money Laundering Directive IV (2015/849/EU)
- AMLD V - Anti-Money Laundering Directive V (2018/843/EU)
- Audit Directive (2014/56/EU)
- BRRD - Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (2014/59/EU)
- BRRD amending Directive - Banking Creditors’ Hierarchy Directive, amending the Bank recovery and resolution Directive (2017/2399/EU)
- BRRD II - Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive II (2019/879/EU)
- Capital Market Recovery Directive (2021/338/EU)
- Covered Bonds Supervision Directive (2019/2162/EU)
- CRD IV - Capital Requirements Directive (2013/36/EU)
- CRD V - Capital Requirements Directive (2019/878/EU) – concerning credit institutions
- CRD V - Capital Requirements Directive (2019/878/EU) – concerning investment firms
- Crowdfunding Service Providers Directive (2020/1504/EU)
- Credit ratings - Over-Reliance on Credit Ratings Directive (2013/14/EU)
- Cross-Border Distribution of Investment Funds Directive (2019/1160/EU)
- DGSD - Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (2014/49/EU)
- ESAs Review Directive - Amending Solvency II (2019/2177/EU)
- ESAs Review Directive - Amending Solvency II, MiFID II and AMLD IV (2019/2177/EU)
- FICOD - Financial Conglomerates Directive (2011/89/EU)
- IDD - Insurance Distribution Directive (2016/97/EU)
- IFD - Prudential Supervision of Investment Firms Directive (2019/2034/EU)
- IORP 2 - Occupational Retirement Provisions Directive
- KID in UCITS Directive (2021/2261/EU)
- Market abuse - Implementing Directive of Market Abuse Regulation (2015/2392/EU)
- MIFID II - Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (2014/65/EU)
- Mortgage Credit Directive (2014/17/EU)
- Motor Insurance Directive (2021/2118/EU) concerning the designation of a competent authority
- NFRD - Non-Financial Reporting Directive (2014/95/EU)
- Omnibus I Directive (2010/78/EU)
- Omnibus II Directive (2014/51/EU)
- PAD - Payment Accounts Directive (2014/92/EU)
- PSD 2 - Payment Services Directive (2015/2366/EU)
- Solvency II Directive (2009/138/EC)
- Transparency Directive (2013/50/EU)
- UCITS Directive (2014/91/EU)
- UCITS Implementing Directive (2010/44/EU)