Action 3 - Supporting vehicles for long-term investment - European Commission Skip to main content

Action 3 - Supporting vehicles for long-term investment

Progress so far on action 3 of the capital markets union 2020 action plan.


Part of objective 1 of the capital markets union (CMU) action plan, action 3 aims to support vehicles for long-term investment.

Long-term investment funds (ELTIF)

The overall objective of this review aims to increase uptake of ELTIFs across the EU for the benefit of the European economy and investors. This review is also complementing the ongoing work on the capital markets union as it is aiming at increasing the capital available for EU companies to access more stable and diverse long-term financing. The European Commission green paper on long-term financing of the European economy revealed that Europe needs to promote more smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, creating jobs and enhance its global competitiveness.


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