Studies under the capital markets union (CMU) - European Commission Skip to main content

Studies under the capital markets union (CMU)

Since the launch of the first capital markets union action plan in 2015, the Commission carried out a number of studies, prepared by external consultants, to inform its work in specific areas. This research helps the Commission shape policy actions and identify where legislation may be needed.

  1. 30 November 2021
    Mechanisms for pension savings

    Study on the best practices and performance of auto-enrolment mechanisms for pension savings

    The purpose of this report was to identify a list of best practices in automatically enrolling workers to pension schemes.

  2. 13 November 2020
    Equity markets in the EU

    Study on primary and secondary equity markets in the EU

    This study contributes to the evidence base needed to further advance the equity markets in Europe.

  3. 29 October 2020
    EU consolidated tape

    Study on the creation of an EU consolidated tape

    This study analyses the demand for consolidated European financial market data in equities and bonds.

  4. 20 July 2020
    CMU equity market index family

    Feasibility study for the creation of a CMU equity market index family

    The purpose is to assess the feasibility of creating a CMU equity market index family that could contribute to the development of EU capital markets.

  5. 23 July 2020
    online tools and services supporting retail investors in investment decisions

    Study on options for development of online tools and services supporting retail investors in investment decisions

    Final report of the study on options for development of online tools and services supporting retail investors in investment decisions.

  6. 14 February 2020
    Supply chain finance (SCF)

    Study on supply chain finance (SCF)

    In-depth analysis of the current state and recent developments in the area of supply chain finance at EU level and within the Member States.

  7. 16 December 2019
    Drivers of investments

    Study on the drivers of investments in equity by insurers and pension funds

    As a follow-up to the Mid-term Review of the CMU Action Plan, the European Commission publishes a study on the drivers of equity investments.

  8. 3 December 2019
    Loan enforcement laws in the EU Member States

    Study: Analysis of the individual and collective loan enforcement laws in the EU Member States

    CMU: eliminating barriers to cross-border investment- independent study on the effectiveness of loan enforcement regimes (insolvency benchmarking).

  9. 12 October 2018
    European secured notes

    Feasibility study on European secured notes

    ESNs are bonds using a covered bond structure to fund assets not currently permitted under EU law, specifically loans to SMEs & bank infrastructure loans.

  10. 24 April 2018
    Distribution systems of retail investment products

    Study on the distribution systems of retail investment products

    Study carried out by Deloitte Luxembourg for the European Commission.

  11. 16 February 2018
    EU markets for private placements

    Study on EU markets for private placements

    Identifying market and regulatory obstacles to the development of private placement of debt in the EU


  12. 13 December 2017
    Corporate bond market liquidity

    Study on the drivers of corporate bond market liquidity

    External study produced by Risk Control Limited.

  13. 26 September 2017
    European personal pension framework

    Study on the feasibility of a European personal pension framework

    Explore the feasibility of a European personal pensions framework in the context of the capital markets union (CMU) action plan.

  14. 25 August 2017
    Covered bonds in the European Union

    Study on covered bonds in the European Union – Harmonisation of legal frameworks and market behaviour

    This study examines the current state of the European covered bond markets and the likely costs and benefits of introducing a dedicated EU legal framework.

  15. 1 June 2017
    Effectiveness of tax incentives

    Study on the effectiveness of tax incentives for venture capital and business angels to foster the investment of SMEs and start-ups

    Investigates the part that tax incentives for venture capital & business angels can play in fostering investment, to promote best practice in Member States.

  16. 29 March 2016
    Tax reforms

    Study on the effects of fundamental tax reforms on effective taxation

    Informs about whether different fundamental tax reforms could manage to address the debt bias and promote investment, possibly in a revenue neutral way.