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Supporting companies in applying the European Sustainability Reporting Standards

The European Commission hosted a half-day event entitled ‘Supporting companies in applying the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)’.

The event brought together experts and practitioners from Member State representations, business and trade associations, companies, consultancies, auditors and other stakeholders. Its goal wass to showcase ongoing initiatives and discuss ideas for further mechanisms to support companies that apply the new reporting standards. 

The ESRS started to apply to the first companies in scope of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as of financial year 2024. Effective and well-targeted support initiatives can help to reduce costs and burden for companies. Such initiatives can be developed at European, national and even regional and local levels. In addition to helping companies under the scope of the CSRD, support initiatives might also benefit SMEs who are not facing legal reporting requirements but who nevertheless face an increase in demand for sustainability information as a result of the so-called “trickle-down effect”.    

Specific privacy statement

16 MAY 2024
Specific privacy statement: Supporting companies in applying the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)


Watch the recording of the workshop


1 JULY 2024
Report: ESRS implementation support initiatives at Member State level


16 MAY 2024
Presentation: The Danish Climate Compass - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
16 MAY 2024
Presentation: The German Sustainability Code - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
16 MAY 2024
Presentation: ESRS implementation support initiatives in the Czech Republic - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
16 MAY 2024
Document: ESRS implementation support initiatives at Member State level
16 MAY 2024
Presentation: Polish Chamber of Commerce: Support for enterprises in using ESRS - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
16 MAY 2024
Presentation: EFRAG: ESRS implementation support activities - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
16 MAY 2024
Presentation of EU initiatives - ESRS expert dialogue - 16 May 2024
  • financial services | corporate social responsibility
  • Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:00 - 13:00 (CEST)
  • Brussels, Belgium


  1. 16 May 2024, 08:15 - 09:00 (CEST)
    Registration and coffee
  2. 09:00 - 09:20 (CEST)
    Opening remarks
    • Alexandra Jour-Schroeder, Deputy Director-General, DG FISMA, European Commission
  3. 09:20 - 10:00 (CEST)
    Session 1: Panel discussion ‘What support do companies need?’
    • Malin Lindfors Speace, Ethos
    • Piotr Biernacki, Polish Association of Listed Companies
    • Alessia Bausano, Confindustria

    Moderator: Sven Genter, Head of Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission

  4. 10:00 - 11:00 (CEST)
    Session 2: Presentation of national initiatives
    • Markus Bjerre, Danish Business Authority, Denmark
    • Isabelle Krahe, German Council for Sustainable Development
    • Karolína Konečná, Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
    • Karolina Opielewicz, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Poland
  5. 11:00 - 11:15 (CEST)
    Coffee break
  6. 11:15 - 12:00 (CEST)
    Session 3: Presentation of EU initiatives
    • Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of Sustainability Reporting Board, EFRAG
    • Delphine Leroy, DG REFORM, European Commission
  7. 12:00 - 12:50 (CEST)
    Session 4: Panel discussion ‘ESRS support: immediate priorities and future directions’
    • Maaike Fleur, Royal FloraHolland
    • Erik Breen, Dataland
    • Laurence Rivat, Deloitte
    • Filip Gregor, Frank Bold

    Moderator: Tom Dodd, DG FISMA, European Commission

  8. 12:50 - 13:00 (CEST)
    Closing remarks
    • Sven Gentner, Head of Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission


Practical information

Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:00 - 13:00 (CEST)
Charlemagne Building (DG TRADE), Lord Jenkins room
Rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels, Belgium