Sanctions vis a vis Russia: Commission publishes G7 Industry Guidance on preventing sanctions evasion - European Commission Skip to main content
  • News article
  • 24 September 2024
  • Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
  • 1 min read

Sanctions vis a vis Russia: Commission publishes G7 Industry Guidance on preventing sanctions evasion

Today, the Commission is publishing joint guidance developed within the G7 Sub-Working Group on Export Control Enforcement to raise awareness on sanctions evasion risks and indicators and help relevant business operators address and mitigate such risks.

As part of their coordinated efforts, a core principle of the G7 Sub-Working Group on Export Control Enforcement is to provide guidance to industry on preventing the diversion of controlled items to Russia, including through third countries. The collective aim is to assist industry in identifying Russian evasion practices and complying with G7- related controls and sanctions, thereby protecting their technology from misappropriation, preventing reputational harm, and mitigating liability risk while supporting the continued success of G7 export controls and sanctions. 

This guidance document contains: 

  1. A list of items which pose a heightened risk of being diverted to Russia, 
  2. Updated red flag indicators of potential export control and/or sanctions evasion, 
  3. Best practices for industry to address these red flags, and 
  4. Reference to publicly available Screening tools and resources to assist with due diligence. 

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