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  • Consultation strategy

Call for feedback to stakeholders on the feasibility assessment for a potential EU referral scheme


Publication date
12 March 2021 (Last updated on: 17 March 2021)
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union


About this call for feedback

Consultation period: 12 March 2021 - extended to 30 April 2021

Topics: Financial services, Capital markets union, Banking

Departments: Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Target group

The call for feedback would invite all relevant stakeholders, including banks, financing platforms, SMEs, relevant associations, national and EU institutions and supervisory authorities, to provide their input.

Objective of the consultation

In the capital markets union action plan published in September 2020, the Commission committed to analysing by Q4 2021 the merits and feasibility of setting up a referral scheme to require banks (and other providers of funding) to direct small and medium enterprises whose funding application they have turned down to providers of alternative funding. The objective of this scheme, if implemented, will be to facilitate SMEs’ access to a wider set of funding options, including alternative funding options.

The present call for feedback aims at gathering evidence and feedback from stakeholders on whether there is potential for a referral scheme to help SMEs whose funding applications have been rejected by a finance provider and options for the scope, features and governance of such a possible scheme. The questionnaire will feed into the feasibility study.

How to submit your response

Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process responses should be submitted through the online questionnaire.


fisma-b1atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact email address: fisma-b1[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


  • 12 MARCH 2021
Consultation document: Feasibility assessment for a potential EU referral scheme
  • 12 MARCH 2021
Specific privacy statement: Feasibility assessment for a potential EU referral scheme