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Season 3

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Maria Raffaella Assetta, the head of international affairs in DG FISMA. Raffaella and her team are responsible for the EU working with our international partners (USA, UK, G20, etc.) to develop consistent policies on the regulation of financial markets and capital movements.

The Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA) is here! Brand-spanking new! EU Finance podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Olivier Salles, the executive director of AMLA and Vincent Schön from AMLA’s communications team about what’s new and how to get a job at AMLA.
Season 2

The European green bond standard is here! It’s grown and flowered into the European Green Bond Standard Regulation which applies from 21 December 2024.

EU Finance podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with outgoing EU Commissioner for Financial services, financial stability, and Capital Markets Union Mairead McGuinness about what she’s gotten done over the last 4 years. It’s the first ever EU Finance VODcast, so head over to our youtube channel @EUFinance and take a look!

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Mr. Brice De Schietere, the European External Action Service’s (EEAS) Head of sanctions division. The External Action Service is like the EU’s foreign ministry.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Chairperson of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) - Petra Hielkema.

EU Finance podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with the Chairperson of the European Banking Authority (EBA) - Jose Manuel Campa.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas and the Almoro Rubin de Cervin, head of the EU’s Banking regulation and supervision unit, examine where we are with banking reform, and if is it really the final step in this reform of banking rules.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with Olena Loboiko, an expert policy officer in the EU Commission’s Anti Money Laundering unit.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with Elodie Feller of the Platform on Sustainable Finance and EU Commission expert Sophie Rathmes about an important facet of sustainable finance – transition finance.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas and Dominique Laboureix - the chair of the Single Resolution Board (the SRB) talk about the SRB, what it does, and WHY it does.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas and Andrea Beltramello, the Head of the Commission’s resolution and deposit insurance unit, talk about reforming the EU’s banking crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) framework within the EU’s banking union.

The latest false Russian narrative is that sanctions are not working. Article after article gets pushed to world media. Russian proxies and populist politicians parrot the same line. Why? Aidas Palubinskas talks with the EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan to shed some light on the subject.
Season 1

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with Thomas Dodd, the EU Commission’s expert on corporate reporting about how someone who wants to invest sustainably can know if the investment is really green?

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with the EU Commission’s foremost expert on the digital finance platform, Alice Guedel of DG FISMA, to help him understand the latest innovation on the platform – the data hub.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with David O'Sullivan, a former Secretary-General of the Commission and senior EU diplomat, the EU Sanctions Envoy.

Governments borrow. The EU borrows. It borrows to get stuff done. EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with Niall Bohan, the EU Commission’s Director for Asset, debt and financial Risk management in the Budget department.

EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Axel Fougner – the EU Commission’s foremost authority on the European Green Bond Standard. Axel gives Aidas an explanation about EUGBS, how it’s going to work, why it’s going to work, and who is going to make it work.

Your intrepid EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas has a quick-fire chat with Jenny Robertson, the head of the EU's Financial Markets Infrastructure unit.

Brussels woke up to a clean blanket of snow this morning. It’s like there’s a beautiful single space, ready and waiting for new opportunities. Sounds like a metaphor for the EU, no?

Instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes, instant gratification. We want it all, and we want it now. So, we’re going to talk about instant payments.

In response to the extremely volatile prices caused by Russia’s weaponisation of energy, on 18 October 2022, the EU Commission proposed a new emergency regulation to address high gas prices in the EU and ensure security of supply this winter.

Back in 2021, the European Commission presented an ambitious package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU rules on anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing (AML/CFT). This included the proposal for the creation of a new EU authority to fight money laundering.

Letizia Lupini talks to Alain Deckers – head of the asset management unit – about what the EU is doing to promote sustainable finance and how investors can make sure they invest green.

Aidas Palubinskas talks to Jan Ceyssens about all things digital – including cryptocurrencies, cyber risks, the digital euro, privacy, and consent.

How do sanctions work? Do they work? How citizens and business can help them work?