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Call for proposals: A new Data Hub on the EU Digital Finance Platform


Publication date
1 March 2023 (Last updated on: 1 March 2023)
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union


We want to promote data sharing to foster innovation in Europe’s financial sector. Are you a financial company seeking to access non-public data and use it to test innovative products and applications? And do you want to help the European Commission develop a new project designed to make this kind of access to supervisory data possible?

Then we want to hear from you! Our EU Digital Finance Platform is a space designed to better connect innovative financial firms and national supervisors and to support the scaling up of digital financial services across Europe. We want to expand our offering by building a new Data hub here, a space where firms can access data for testing purposes in close contact with supervisory authorities. This project will complement national innovation hubs and regulatory sandboxes, as well as private-sector initiatives.

In a first step, we are planning to host synthetic datasets in the Data hub that have been created by participating supervisory authorities based on real data they hold. And we are keen to hear your views on what the most promising use cases are for which such datasets could be made available – and which ones which you would like to access for testing.

If you want to be part of the community developing this project, please write to EU-DIGITAL-FINANCE-PLATFORMatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-DIGITAL-FINANCE-PLATFORM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) by 12h00 CET on 12 April 2023.
Your proposal should set out in detail a specific use case and a solution to be tested and describe the datasets that would be needed and which variables should be prioritised in the synthesisation process. Please note that these datasets should be limited to non-personal data, as well as to datasets that national financial supervisors actually hold. Due to the nature of the project and of synthetic data, the datasets available on the Data hub will be very granular and unique, rather than particularly recent or frequently updated.

A selection of firms would be invited to present their proposals in an online Data hub workshop with the European Commission and supervisory authorities later this spring.


1 March – 12 April 2023

Who can take part

Any financial company from the EU or a European Economic Area (EEA) country that is interested in testing innovative applications or products in the Data hub.

Data hub call for proposals - EU Digital Finance Platform


1 MARCH 2023
Privacy statement: EU Digital Finance Platform Data hub – Call for proposals