Digital finance outreach - European Commission
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Digital finance outreach


Digital finance outreach

The digital finance outreach is a series of events focusing on fintech and digital innovation in the financial sector. The aim of these events is to present, inform and shape the EU digital finance strategy.

The European Commission periodically organises online public discussions to present its work and gather views from key stakeholders such as Member States, national competent authorities, European organisations, financial institutions, market infrastructures, all other financial services providers, the public, and more.

Events and call for projects

Upcoming call for projects

Are you a company or a project considering to leverage open finance, and are you keen to help regulators find the right approach to open finance?
We want to learn how open finance works in practice for innovative firms in Europe.

Upcoming events

FISMA online webinars

  • 8-10th June 2022 - Coding Challenge for Ukraine

    The Fintech Challenge for Ukraine is a pan-European online hackathon to develop technological solutions that will enable access to and provision of everyday services to Ukrainians and help the country's recovery.

    The Fintech Challenge for Ukraine will consist in two parts: ideational workshops and the actual hackathon, which will take place online throughout June. The winners will be announced during a hybrid event in Brussels at the end of June.

Past events

See all the past events

FISMA online webinars

FISMA online roundtables

National events

Digital finance outreach conference

#EUvsVirus challenge

Can you hack it?

The European Commission, in collaboration with EU member states hosted a pan-European Hackathon on 24, 25 and 26 April 2020 to connect innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges.

One of the challenge domains of the hackathon was Digital Finance, including the following challenges:

1.    Support identification of financial shortfalls
The challenge is meant to supporting short term identification and analysis of businesses’ financial shortfalls and needs, in particular for SMEs, through data analytics/open data.

2.    Speed-up access to financial support
The challenge is meant to find solutions to enabling speedy access to public financial support by SMEs, self-employed, citizens.

3.    Speed-up distribution of financial support
The challenge is meant to find solutions to quicker distribution of public financial support via digital money/transfers.

4.    Availability of emergency health insurance
The challenge is meant to find solutions to ensure an emergency Coronavirus health Insurance .

5.    Enable crowd to help financially
The challenge is meant to crowdfund to support the fight against Coronavirus such as the provision of medical equipment to local hospitals.

6.    Support for digitally excluded
The challenge is meant to find solutions to provision of essential digital finance tools to the digitally excluded such as the elderly and homeless.

7.    Other
The above challenges are just suggestions. Feel empowered to get creative!

Congratulations to Bankera Business Care (Lithuania), whose solution to provide SMEs with short-term financing to cover their liquidity needs during times of crisis, has been selected as winner of the Digital finance category.

A total of 117 innovative solutions to tackle the coronavirus have been selected as winners of the EUvsVirus Hackathon.

See the full list of winners and prize allocations.

Winners were invited to a Matchathon that took place from 22 to 25 May on the new European Innovation Council COVID Platform. The purpose of this online event was to facilitate match-making with end-users, such as hospitals, and to provide access to investors, corporates, foundations and other funding opportunities from across the EU.

Digital solutions on digital finance

If you have a digital solution on one of the above topics that you would like to share with us, you can send your solution to: