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  • Expert opinion

High-Level Expert Group on sustainable finance (HLEG)


Publication date
28 October 2016 (Last updated on: 3 July 2020)
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union


As announced in its communication on Capital Markets Union – Accelerating reform, the European Commission established a High-level expert group on sustainable finance (HLEG) in December 2016.

The HLEG comprised 20 senior experts from civil society, the finance sector, academia and observers from European and international institutions. The group was mandated to provide advice to the Commission on how to

  • steer the flow of public and private capital towards sustainable investments
  • identify the steps that financial institutions and supervisors should take to protect the stability of the financial system from risks related to the environment
  • deploy these policies on a pan-European scale

Interim report of the HLEG

The interim report was published on 12 July 2017.

Final report of the HLEG

The final report was delivered on 31 January 2018.

History of the HLEG


  • 12 JULY 2017
Interim report of the High-Level Expert Group on sustainable finance - Financing a sustainable European economy
  • 31 JANUARY 2018
Final report of the High-Level Expert Group on sustainable finance