Invitation for feedback and expert workshops on taxonomy - European Commission
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Invitation for feedback and expert workshops on taxonomy


In order to inform its work on the action plan on financing sustainable growth published in March 2018, the Commission established a technical expert group on sustainable finance (TEG) in July 2018. The action plan requests the TEG to publish a report based on a broad consultation of all relevant stakeholders.

The group collected feedback on the first proposed activities that contribute substantially to climate change mitigation and on the usability of this first list of activities between December 2018 and February 2019. The group also identified areas where additional technical expertise is needed. The Commission is organising several workshops with selected additional experts with the purpose of gathering this expertise.

Topics covered by the calls for feedback

1st round climate mitigation activities

Technical experts and stakeholders provided feedback on selected economic activities and the Technical expert group’s proposed criteria for the first sub-set of economic activities expected to make a substantial contribution to climate mitigation. These are called the 1st round climate mitigation activities.

The call for feedback closed on 22 February and responses are now being assessed by the TEG.

On the questions regarding the proposed 1st round climate mitigation activities, 257 respondents provided feedback.

View responses authorised for publication

Usability of the taxonomy

Future users of the taxonomy were invited to provide feedback on the usability and fitness for purpose of the taxonomy in practice.

On the usability of the taxonomy, 205 respondents provided answers to the questions.

View responses authorised for publication

Information about the types of stakeholders who responded can be found in the TEG’s Overview of outreach plans document. A detailed statement about the feedback received and the implications for the design of the Taxonomy will be published once all responses have been evaluated. The TEG members wish to thank everyone who responded for their contribution to the development of the Taxonomy.

Register interest for workshops

Technical experts were invited to register their interest for workshops to provide technical input to the following activities:

  • The development of new criteria for further economic activities that have the potential to make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation objectives. These are called the 2nd round climate change mitigation activities.
  • The development of new criteria for activities expected to make a substantial contribution to climate change adaptation objectives of the European Union. These are called climate change adaptation activities.
  • The development of new criteria to assess “do no significant harm” across all environmental objectives (climate mitigation, climate adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, waste prevention and recycling, pollution prevention control, and protection of healthy ecosystems)

The registration of interest for workshops is now closed after the deadline was extended to 9 January 2019.

Please note that due to the great number of registrations, a selection of the experts that registered their interest was needed. The list of selected experts that will be invited to the workshops can be found here.


Please note none of the documents should be considered as official Commission position, and that nothing in this process commits the Commission nor precludes any policy outcomes.


  • 3 DECEMBER 2018
Technical expert group on sustainable finance: Taxonomy pack for feedback and workshops invitations
  • 11 DECEMBER 2018
Technical expert group on sustainable finance: Spotlight on taxonomy