Report on the monitoring of climate-related risk to financial stability - European Commission
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Report on the monitoring of climate-related risk to financial stability

The report takes stock of analytical work and policy responses carried out by the EU so far.


Climate change can harm all economic actors, including banks, insurance companies, non-financial companies, households, and states. Consequently, it can also pose risks to the financial system as a whole.

The Commission publishes a report on the monitoring of climate risks to financial stability in the EU. It takes stock of analytical work and policy responses carried out by the EU so far. The report is part of an ongoing learning process by regulators, supervisors and industry.

The Commission could build on this report’s findings and ongoing work such as the Fit-For-55 exercise to assess possible further improvements to the micro and macroprudential frameworks for banks and non-bank financial intermediaries.

Sustainable finance


  • 1 JULY 2024
Report on the monitoring of climate-related risk to financial stability