- Publication date
- 10 January 2019 (Last updated on: 20 February 2019)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
In January 2019 the TEG published its report on climate-related disclosures. This report corresponds to task 4 of the TEG’s mandate, which is to “Develop climate-related metrics in the context of its work on an EU taxonomy allowing improving disclosure on climate-related information and publish the outcome in a report.”
The European Commission took this report into consideration when developing the new guidelines for companies on how to report climate-related information.
Stakeholders were invited to provide written comments on the TEG report. The responses to the call for feedback can be found here.
The TEG processed these comments and gave the Commission services a summary to be considered in the update of the guidelines.
On 20 February 2019 the Commission published a consultation document on the new guidelines prior to their adoption in June 2019. Stakeholders were invited to provide written comments by 20 March.
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Please note this document should not be considered as official Commission position, and nothing in its content commits the Commission nor precludes any policy outcomes.
Technical expert group on sustainable finance report on climate-related disclosures (File) (100586) Frequently asked questions - Technical expert group on sustainable finance report on climate-related disclosures (File) (103802)