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Targeted consultation on OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes

This consultation aims to receive input for to replacement of the public identifier of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives in the EU.


Opening date
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Target audience

The target audience of this consultation are participants in the in-scope OTC Derivatives value-chain. This comprises

  1. companies that use interest rate and credit derivatives to hedge interest rate and credit risk that arises in the course of their business
  2. investment firms and asset managers that use interest rate and credit derivatives to hedge investment portfolios
  3. investment firms that act as counterparties to the two categories above
  4. investment firms that invest in interest rate or credit derivatives
  5. trading venues that offer trading in interest rate and credit derivatives, trade reconciliation service providers as well as CCPs that clear interest rate and credit derivatives

Why we are consulting

Under the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR), which is expected to be published in the first quarter of 2024, all trading venues that offer trading in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives that are subject to pre- and post-trade transparency requirements (‘in-scope OTC derivatives’) will be obliged to provide ESMA with identifying reference data that are globally agreed for the purpose of public transparency reporting under MiFIR. The MiFIR review requires the Commission to adopt a delegated act, within three months after the date of entry into force of the Regulation amending MiFIR, to specify such identifying reference data, including a unique product identifier and any additional identifying reference data. This consultation covers two issues

  1. what is the most suitable unique product identifier to be used for compliance with the transparency requirements applicable to in-scope OTC derivatives
  2. whether there any “additional identifying reference data” to be considered in addition to the unique product identifier

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Consultation outcome

Contributions to the consultation

  • 28 FEBRUARY 2024
Received contributions: OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes
  • 28 FEBRUARY 2024
Documents annexed to received contributions: OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes

Reference documents

  • 29 NOVEMBER 2023
Consultation document: OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes
  • 29 NOVEMBER 2023
Specific privacy statement: OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes


Unit C3 – Securities markets

Unit C3 – Securities markets
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
fisma-otc-derivativesatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission Switchboard)
Postal address

1049 Brussels