About this consultation
- Consultation period
20 January 2021 - 12 March 2021 (midnight Brussels time)
- Topics
Financial services, company reporting, capital markets union
- Departments
Why does the consultation take less than 12 weeks?
A shortened consultation period appears to be justified, given
- the number of previously held public consultations where the topic of a single/centralised access to company data has been put forward to public attention
- political imperative to deliver the legislative proposal under a very tight timeline
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that very recently (June 2020) an expert group set up by the Commission (the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union (HLF)) provided a detailed recommendation on the European single access point which was then open to a public feedback process (more than 70 responses received).
Target group
The target groups of this consultation are
- Preparers: companies, issuers, SMEs, asset managers, private entities, market participants, etc.
- Users: investors, analysts, asset managers, consumers, NGOs, data vendors, credit risk assessment entities, banks, etc.
- Regulators: authorities, governments, European Authorities, National Competent Authorities, EFRAG ECB, etc.
- Registers / repositories: OAMs, trading venues, ESMA, business registers, etc.
- Stakeholders with vested interest: software vendors, standard setters, data vendors, e-identifiers, accounting firms, certain not for profit organisations, academia, etc.
Objective of the consultation
The purpose of this targeted questionnaire is to seek general and technical views on the way to establish a European single access point (ESAP) for companies’ financial and sustainable investment-related information made public pursuant to EU legislation. The establishment of the ESAP is the first action in the Commission’s new action plan on the capital markets union (CMU). The EU legislation in the financial services area requires companies to publish several hundreds of documents, particulars and datasets in order to increase the transparency and reduce asymmetry of information. These datasets may have regard to e.g. an entity’s financial performance, environmental, social or governance matters, products and services provided.
How to submit your response
Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process responses should be submitted through the online questionnaire.
Consultation outcome
Summary report
- 26 MAY 2021
Contributions to the consultation
- 18 MARCH 2021
- 18 MARCH 2021
Reference documents
- 20 JANUARY 2021
- 20 JANUARY 2021
- 20 JANUARY 2021