finance-2022-digital-euro - European Commission
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Targeted consultation on a digital euro

About this consultation

Consultation period

5 April 2022 - 16 June 2022 (midnight Brussels time)


Financial services, digital finance


Target group

Payment industry specialists, payment service providers (including credit institutions, payment and e-money institutions), payment infrastructure providers, developers of payment solutions, merchants, merchant associations, consumer associations, retail payments regulators, and supervisors, anti-money laundering (AML) supervisors, Financial Intelligence Units, and other relevant authorities and experts.

Objective of the consultation

For a digital euro to be used as the single currency, concurrently with euro banknotes and coins, it would require a Regulation of the co-legislator, upon a proposal by the Commission, on the basis of Article 133 TFUE. For the Regulation, an impact assessment will be prepared, which will be supported by consultations carried out y both the Commission and the ECB. The present targeted consultation complements the ECB’s public consultation. It aims to collect further information on expected impacts on key industries (financial intermediation, payment services, merchants), users (consumer associations, retailers’ associations), chambers of commerce and other stakeholders in international trade. This targeted consultation will gather further evidence on the following issues

  1. Users’ needs and expectations for a digital euro
  2. The digital euro’s role for the EU’s retail payments and the digital economy
  3. Making the digital euro available for retail use while continuing to safeguard the legal tender status of euro cash
  4. The digital euro’s impact on the financial sector and the financial stability
  5. Application of anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing (AML-CFT) rules
  6. The privacy and data protection aspects
  7. International payments with a digital euro

How to submit your response

Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process responses should be submitted through the online questionnaire.

Reference documents

  • 5 APRIL 2022
Consultation document: A digital euro
  • 5 APRIL 2022
Specific privacy statement: A digital euro


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