About this consultation
- Consultation period
12 April 2022 - 20 May 2022 (midnight Brussels time)
- Topics
Financial services, investment funds
- Departments
Target group
This consultation is targeted at relevant stakeholders and users of money market funds (MMFs), and in particular to investors and managers of MMFs, to understand the impact of existing rules on these stakeholders and users.
Objective of the consultation
The Money Market Fund Regulation (EU Regulation 2017/1131 - MMFR) requires the Commission to submit a report to the co-legislators assessing the adequacy of this Regulation from a prudential and economic point of view. This should be based on a robust and comprehensive evaluation of current rules. The following questionnaire aims at complementing the information collected by other initiatives and work (including recent work by ESMA, ESRB/ECB, FSB) on the functioning of the existing rules on money market funds, in particular about the impact of the MMFR on the different economic aspects of MMFs and the role of MMFs in the EU economy.
How to submit your response
Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process responses should be submitted through the online questionnaire.
Consultation outcome
Summary report
- 2 AUGUST 2023
Contributions to the consultation
- 20 JULY 2023
- 20 JULY 2023
Reference documents
- 12 APRIL 2022
- 12 APRIL 2022
- 12 APRIL 2022
Related links
fisma-money-market-fundsec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact email address: fisma-money-market-funds[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)