Financial literacy means the knowledge and skills needed to make important financial decisions. Every day, thousands of people are deciding where to open a bank account, which mortgage to choose, where to invest their money and how to save for retirement.
However, according to the OECD/INFE 2020 international survey of adult financial literacy, about half of the EU adult population does not have a good enough understanding of basic financial concepts. While the overall figures are low, the problem is more acute in some parts of society than others, with the most vulnerable disproportionally affected. Low-income groups, for instance, as well as women, young people and older people, tend to score lower than the rest of the population when it comes to financial knowledge.

Everyone should be able to understand the risks involved when borrowing or investing money. Financial literacy can help individuals plan for the future, make better decisions about what to do with their money, and invest in capital markets in a way that meets their needs. This will be even more important for individuals and businesses as the economy gradually recovers from the COVID crisis.
Financial literacy also protects individuals from over-indebtedness, excessive risk-taking, fraud, or cyber risks. Financial education complements consumer protection, but does not replace it.
What is the European Commission doing about this?
The Commission has continuously worked to promote financial literacy in European citizens, for adults as well as young people and children. Several frameworks have been published and the Commission is working to help Member States’s national authorities and stakeholders use these to develop concrete policies, programmes, and learning materials on financial literacy in, including through targeted workshops.
The Commission also works with national administrations to assess levels of financial literacy and create dedicated programmes to improve financial education.
- 20 February 2024Speech - Opening remarks by Commissioner McGuinness
Opening remarks by Commissioner McGuinness at 'Money Matters: Financial literacy, resilience and inclusion' conference organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA).
- 27 September 2023Financial competence framework for children and youth
Commission and the OECD jointly developed a financial competence framework for children and youth
- 7 September 2022Keynote speech by Commissioner McGuinness
Keynote speech by Commissioner McGuinness on financial literacy at the Bruegel Annual Meetings.
- 11 January 2022Financial competence framework for adults
Commission and the OECD jointly developed a financial competence framework for adults
- September 2020Capital markets union action plan
Commission reaffirmed that financial literacy is at the heart of people’s financial well-being in action 7 of capital markets union action plan
Videos on financial literacy
Do you want to know what a green bond is? Do you want to learn more about your rights when depositing money at the bank or taking out a mortgage? Our videos explain what you need to know in less than 60 seconds!
You need to be aware of financial risks and opportunities, to make informed choices and to know where to go for help. If you experience problems with a financial service provider, contact a European Consumer Centre or the consumer organisation in your country.
The financial competence framework for adults in the EU details the skills and knowledge that adults need when it comes to personal finance, especially in light of changes driven by technology and sustainability. A joint effort by the OECD’s International Network on Financial Education (OECD-INFE) and the European Commission to strengthen financial literacy in the EU.
Have you ever received a text message pretending to be from your bank and asking for your personal details? Commissioner McGuinness invites you to think twice before you click.
Money laundering is the process by which criminal proceeds are ‘cleaned’ so that their illicit origin is concealed. The European Commission has put forward an ambitious package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) rules.
How financially literate are European citizens?
The results of a Eurobarometer survey on financial literacy published in July 2023 by the European Commission show that only 18% of EU citizens have a high level of financial literacy, 64% - a medium level, and the remaining 18% - a low level. There are, however, wide differences across Member States. In only four Member States, more than 25% of people score highly in financial literacy (the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Slovenia).
The results also point to the need for financial education to target particular groups including women, younger people, people with lower incomes and those with lower levels of education who tend to be on average less financially literate than other groups.
Check the results of the Eurobarometer survey on financial literacy
Speeches by Commissioner McGuinness on financial literacy
Financial literacy is a political priority for Commissioner Mairead McGuinness. Discover more about her vision of a financially literate EU population and the wider future of financial services in these speeches:
More resources
- Factsheet: ESAs provide clarity and tips to consumers on sustainable finance
- Chapter 3 ‘Financial literacy in the EU: Trends, relevance and policy contribution’ in the European Financial Stabillty and Integration Review 2023
- Financial competence framework for adults in the EU
- Financial competence framework for children and youth in the EU
- ESAs draw consumers’ attention to how rises in inflation and interest rates might affect their finances (May 2023)
- ESAs' interactive factsheet on inflation and the rise in interest rates (May 2023)
- Launch event of the financial competence framework for adults in the EU (January 2022)
- Launch event of the financial competence framework for children and youth in the EU (September 2023)
- Op-ed by Commissioner McGuinness: Improving financial literacy must be a priority for Europe, Financial Times (January 2022)
- Webinar on financial education in the digital era (June 2021)
- Finance Newsletter article on financial literacy (February 2024)
- Finance Newsletter article on financial literacy (May 2021)
- Development of a financial competence framework in the EU
- Consumer rights and financial literacy
- Commission support to Member States on financial literacy
- Commission project: Protecting consumers and enhancing financial literacy in Italy
- EBA webpage on financial education
- EIOPA financial education map
- OECD International Network on Financial Education - OECD/INFE
- Eurostat education corner