Payment services - European Commission
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Payment services

The European Commission is working to create an efficient and integrated market for payment services in the EU.

What the EU is doing and why

An efficient market for retail payment services in Europe should guarantee

  • the same rules all over the EU
  • clear information on payments
  • fast and instant payments
  • consumer protection
  • a wide choice of payment services

The EU is aiming to create a single payment area

  • which lets citizens and businesses make cross-border payments as easily and safely as they would in their own countries
  • where cross-border payments are subject to the same charges as domestic payments

Policy making timeline

  1. 9 January 2025
    Legislation - Instant payments

    Entry into application of part of the Instant Payments Regulation:

    • 9 January 2025

      Payment service providers in the euro area are now required to charge the same or lower fees for instant payments as for regular transfers. Additionally, providers that do not yet offer instant payments in euro will have to make it possible for their clients to receive them
    • 9 October 2025

      Payment service providers in the euro area will have to ensure that their clients are also able to send instant payments in euro, and verify the intended beneficiary
    • 2027

      Payment service providers outside the euro area will also be required to allow their clients to send and receive instant payments in euro and to verify the beneficiary
  2. 19 March 2024
    Legislation - Instant payments

    Publication of the Instant Payments Regulation in the Official Journal.
    The Regulation will enter into force on 8 April.

  3. 28 June 2023
    Legislative proposal - Payments services and electronic money services

    Financial data access and payments package including

    • a proposal for a new Payment Services and Electronic Money Services Directive (PSD3)
    • a proposal for a new Payment Services Regulation (PSR)
  4. 26 October 2022
    Legislative proposal - Instant payments
  5. 10 May 2022
    Consultation - Payments services and open finance
  6. 31 March 2021
    Consultation - Instant payments

    The Commission launched 2 consultations

  7. 24 September 2020
    Strategy - Retail payments
  8. 21 June 2019
    Opinion - Strong customer authentication
  9. 12 January 2018
    Legislation - PSD2
  10. 2015
    Legislation - PSD2

    The EU adopted a new Directive on Payment Services (PSD2) to improve the existing rules and take new digital payment services into account. The Directive became applicable in January 2018.

  11. 30 October 2009
    Legislation - E-money

    Entry into force of the E-Money Directive.

  12. 2007
    Legislation - PSD1

    The EU set up common rules for payments with the adoption of the first Payment Services Directive (PSD1).

Relevant legislation