Clarification of requirements of the Instant Payments Regulation - European Commission
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Clarification of requirements of the Instant Payments Regulation

The objective of these clarifications is to facilitate the timely and consistent implementation of the Regulation by industry and Member State authorities.


The Instant Payments Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2024/886) entered into force on 8 April 2024 and a first set of obligations for payment service providers (PSPs) will have to be complied with as of 9 January 2025.

To facilitate a common understanding of the provisions of the Regulation and to assist PSPs and public authorities of Member States in their implementation efforts, the Commission Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) held two online implementation workshops, one workshop on 30 April and the second workshop on 29 May 2024. During these workshops, oral clarifications were provided to over 200 questions that had been collected from stakeholders in advance.

You can find the final version of those clarifications below.


  • 23 JULY 2024
Clarification of requirements of the Instant Payments Regulation