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Consultation on a new digital finance strategy for Europe / FinTech action plan

About this consultation

Consultation period

3 April 2020 - 26 June 2020 (midnight Brussels time)


Financial services, digital finance


Target group

In this consultation, the Commission is interested in hearing the views of a wide range of stakeholders, in particular, from Member States, national competent authorities, the European Supervisory Authorities, the European Central Bank, EU financial industry (incumbent financial institutions; start-ups; technology companies…), FinTech organisations, organisations representing the interests of consumers and investors, technology experts, academics and EU citizens.

Objective of the consultation

It is crucial that Europe grasps all the potential of digital age across the economy, including in the financial sector.

As set out in the Commission work programme, given the broad and fundamental nature of the challenges ahead for the financial sector, the Commission will propose in Q3 2020 a new digital finance strategy / FinTech action plan that sets out a number of areas that public policy should focus on in the coming five years.

This new strategy will build on the work carried out during the previous mandate, in particular in the context of the FinTech action plan. It will take into consideration all the recent market and technological developments that are likely to impact the financial sector in the near future.

Responses to this consultation will inform forthcoming work on a digital finance strategy / FinTech action plan.

How to submit your response

Please note that in order to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process responses should be submitted through the online questionnaire.

Consultation outcome

Summary report

  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2020
Consultation on a new digital finance strategy - summary of responses

Contributions to the consultation

  • 17 JULY 2020
Received contributions: A new digital finance strategy for Europe / FinTech action plan
  • 17 JULY 2020
Documents annexed to received contributions: A new digital finance strategy for Europe / FinTech action plan

Reference documents

  • 3 APRIL 2020
Consultation document: A new digital finance strategy for Europe / FinTech action plan
  • 3 APRIL 2020
Specific privacy statement: A new digital finance strategy for Europe / FinTech action plan


fisma-digital-financeatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact email address: fisma-digital-finance[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)