Ombudsstelle für Sachwerte und Investmentvermögen e.V.
Name in English: Real Asset Investment Arbitration Board
Financial institutions covered: alternative investment fund managers (AIFM), providers of closed-end funds, trust companies, alternative investment funds, closed-end funds.
Financial products covered: alternative investment funds (AIF), closed-end funds.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German and English
E-mail: infoombudsstelle [dot] com (info[at]ombudsstelle[dot]com)
Website: Ombudsstelle für Sachwerte und Investmentvermögen e.V.
More information: Info sheet
Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
Name in English: German Savings Banks Association
Financial institutions covered: only German savings banks.
Financial products covered (offered by the German Savings Banks): payments, deposits, credit & loans, mortgages, investments, pensions, securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German, but if required, also English
E-mail: schlichtungdsgv [dot] de (schlichtung[at]dsgv[dot]de)
Website: Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
Website in English: German Savings Banks Association
More information: Info sheet
Ombudsmann der deutschen genossenschaftlichen Bankengruppe (BVR)
Name in English: Ombudsman of German Cooperative Banks
Financial institutions covered: most banks, some mortgage banks.
Financial products covered: payments, deposits, credit & loans, mortgages, investments, some securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German, English
E-mail: kundenbeschwerdestellebvr [dot] de (kundenbeschwerdestelle[at]bvr[dot]de)
Website: Ombudsmann der deutschen genossenschaftlichen Bankengruppe (BVR)
More information: Info sheet
Ombudsmann der öffentlichen Banken Deutschlands (VÖB)
Name in English: Ombudsman of German Public Sector Banks
Financial institutions covered: some banks.
Financial products covered: payments, deposits, credit & loans, mortgages, investments, some securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German, English, French
E-mail: ombudsmannvoeb-kbs [dot] de (ombudsmann[at]voeb-kbs[dot]de)
Website: Ombudsmann der öffentlichen Banken Deutschlands (VÖB)
More information: Info sheet
Ombudsmann der privaten Banken
Name in English: Ombudsman Scheme of the Private Commercial Banks
Financial institutions covered: most banks, most mortgage banks.
Financial products covered: payments, deposits, credit & loans, investments, pensions, securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German or any other language agreed on by the customer and bank
E-mail: schlichtungbdb [dot] de (schlichtung[at]bdb[dot]de)
Website: Ombudsmann der privaten Banken
More information: Info sheet
Ombudsmann Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
Name in English: Ombudsman Private Health and Long-term Care Insurance
Financial institutions covered: some insurance companies.
Financial products covered: private health insurance, private long-term care insurance, some non-life insurance.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German
E-mail: ombudsmannpkv-ombudsmann [dot] de (ombudsmann[at]pkv-ombudsmann[dot]de)
Website: Ombudsmann Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
More information: Info sheet
Ombudsstelle für Investmentfonds
Name in English: Ombudsman Scheme for Investment Funds
Financial institutions covered: some investment providers, some banks and some depositaries.
Financial products covered: some investments, some securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German and English
E-mail: infoombudsstelle-investmentfonds [dot] de (info[at]ombudsstelle-investmentfonds[dot]de)
Website: Ombudsstelle für Investmentfonds
More information: Info sheet
Schlichtungsstelle bei der Deutschen Bundesbank
Name in English: Arbitration Board at the Deutsche Bundesbank
Financial institutions covered: mortgage intermediaries, investment providers, investment intermediaries, securities intermediaries, some banks, some mortgage banks, some credit unions.
Financial products covered: most payments, some deposits, some credit & loans, some mortgages, some investments, some securities.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German
E-mail: schlichtungbundesbank [dot] de (schlichtung[at]bundesbank[dot]de)
Website: Schlichtungsstelle bei der Deutschen Bundesbank
More information: Info sheet
Schlichtungsstelle bei der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Name in English: Arbitration Board at BaFin
Financial institutions covered: all institutions under supervision of BaFin.
Financial products covered: investment products according to the investment act as well as banking operations and financial services under regulation of First Section §1 (1) and §1 (1a) of the Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz - KWG).
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German
E-mail: schlichtungsstellebafin [dot] de (schlichtungsstelle[at]bafin[dot]de)
Website: Schlichtungsstelle bei der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
More information: Info sheet
Verband der Privaten Bausparkassen e.V. – Schlichtungsstelle Bausparen
Name in English: Association of Private Bausparkassen – Arbitration Board
Financial institutions covered: Only private Bausparkassen which are members of the Association of Private Bausparkassen. Public Bausparkassen are not affiliated to the scheme.
Financial products covered: All products and services offered by private Bausparkassen.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German and, if required, also in English
E-mail: infoschlichtungsstelle-bausparen [dot] de (info[at]schlichtungsstelle-bausparen[dot]de)
Website: Verband der Privaten Bausparkassen – Schlichtungsstelle Bausparen
More information: Info sheet
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Name in English: Insurance Ombudsman
Financial institutions covered: insurance companies, insurance intermediaries.
Financial products covered: life/non-life insurance.
Languages in which a complaint can be made: German and, if required, also in English and French.
E-mail: beschwerdeversicherungsombudsmann [dot] de (beschwerde[at]versicherungsombudsmann[dot]de)
Website: Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
More information: Info sheet